Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017 Transfers

So, President Rogers called me this week he told me that... I am Training!!! :)
This transfer has gone by so fast!! Then next one finishes on December 13th! Soon it will be Christmas and then the year will be over, and full of so many wonderful memories.
It has been slowly getting colder- so Sister Baird and I use the little wheat bags that my sister made almost daily :)
I have been listening to a book by Hank Smith about happiness. I thought that I would share a few of the things that I have been learning about. 
He starts of by explaining that, 'The Lord put the desire to be happy in us- it is like his finger print on our brain.'    That just makes sense. "Men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). and that is why we seek happiness and pleasure.
   Obviously there are differences in 'happiness'- the one that takes place without you and is caused by circumstances, and the one that takes place within you that comes from the Lord and truly worthy intentional activities. Hank Smith gives a list of 10 things that will increase happiness; Be around people who are happy, spend money on other people, cut down on screen time, tlak to people in person, LAUGH, listen to uplifting music, exercise and eat healthy, go outside often, get enough sleep, tune into the spiritual.     As a missionary we do ALL of that... that must by why missionaries are So happy!! :)
   Another hint that was given- if you truly want to do a study on Happiness, just take a look in the scriptures! Obviously Heavenly Father understood this better than anyone, and inspired his prophets to record ways that we can be happy.
One of my favorite quotes that he read so far was, " God left the world unfinished so we could apply our skill and workmanship to it. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth, He left the rivers un-bridged, the forests unfilled, and the cities un-built. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted, music unsung, and problems unsolved that man might know the joy's and glories of creation."
I have seen that as I use the spiritual gifts that Heavenly Father has given me to build and uplift those around me, I truly am more joyful. A smile is just as contagious as a frown.
I hope that this week we recognize the skills that Heaven has blessed us with, and use them to create and become closer to our Heavenly Father. I know that a small act of service can go a long way, and a simple thought of love will increase the Happiness of those you associate with.
Have a wonderful joyful week!!
Sister Elgaaen & Baird decorating journals.

Cleaning time!

Sister Baird & Elgaaen, Elder's Wall, McMillan, Charleston, Howell
Calvert The District

Snacks Anyone?

Sister Elgaaen, Joy, Cat Charlotte, Sister Baird

Street with a member' name.

Tagged to do the work!

Happy to Study

Lake Ontario


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