Monday, March 26, 2018

March 19,2018 Faith is believing!

There seemed to be a theme in my studies and the conferences that I had...
Faith is believing. Alma 32:21-28.
"The message of the adversary is 'believe it not'. That is his while message...Fear is opposite of faith... As we travel though life we need to constantly turn to the Lord and nourish our faith... it is my hope and prayer that in those [believe it not] moments of struggle you can 'be not afraid only believe'."   -President Rogers
A diet of doubt will starve your spirit, but a feast of faith will feed you 'even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst. (Alma 32:42)."
Feast upon the word of Christ ( 2 Nephi 32:3)
"Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other."   -President Monson
I hope that this week we will be able to believe in Christ and find the safety that comes only through Him.
I Love my Savior.
This is the true church and the only way that we can once again return back to Heaven where He dwells. When I get there, I know that my eyes will fill with tears, and I will fall to His feet, and hardly have the words of gratitude as He kneels down beside me and embraces me.
I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week!!!
Happy Birthday Sister Morley

Happy Birthday Cake

March Mission Leaders

Moving the couch


Return Missionary in same dress

Zone Conference


Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 12, 2018 Life's Art Lesson

This week has been yet another one full of learning and service for the Lord.
While teaching someone this past week I used the example of how the gospel is like an art class. The lady we were teaching was an art teacher, and I believe it was the spirit who gave me the idea.
When you are painting before you even start you have FAITH that everything will work out. As you go along mistakes happen. Things go not according to plan. REPENTANCE allows us to change and use our mistakes to become better and erase them. BAPTISM is accepting Christ as the teacher and using all of the tools that He has available to paint. Christ is the perfect artist. If you glance around at His creations it is hard not to admire and desire to aspire and become like Him. When we join this church we are joining His free art class. The HOLY GHOST acts as the teachers aid and goes to us individually giving personalized guidance. We must ENDURE the class. by the end of it when we are able to go and display our life's art work for the  Supreme Creators, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ; if we can handle correction, continuing to have perfect faith in the teacher and in our project, repenting as we mess up, using all the available materials, then we will of reached our finest and fullest potential. 
A grateful heart is a fertile ground for miracles. I am so grateful for the example and correction from my savior. He knows all the techniques, He understands my potential. He Loves me enough to erase or critique my efforts so I can truly excel. As a missionary, I am inviting those who long to create and improve to join His class.
May we all strive to create beauty and a grateful example for all those who are not sure where to begin painting.
All Dressed Up

Corning Glass Museum

Cool butterfly lamp

P-Day Adventures

Writing Letters

Over a Mile of Rope Basket Sculpture
Read caption below

Shoe Trading?

Info about Rope Basket


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 5, 2018 Angel's Baptism

This past Saturday was Angel's baptism!!
It truly was a marvelous and spiritual experience.
In Sunday School we talked about service. We read the story of Christ washing his disciples feet in John 13:4-10. Christ served others because He loved them. His love drove Him to desire to help in any way- which is service. How funny that they complete each other.
No matter how great or difficult a service task may be, the fact that we can feel the saviors love while we serve is a miracle and amazing!
Just think- as we are in the service of our fellow beings we are just serving God. He blesses and sends His love to those who do His work. 
Service brings us closer to our Savior.
The Lord knows His children. He uses all sorts of circumstances and situations to give us an opportunity to serve. God has the attitude of constant Service. His entire goal is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. He does this through loving service. We are His hands. There will come a time when each one of us will be personally called upon to act in the Lord's place.
Will we accept the call?
I hope that we all will be more aware of the situations that we are placed in by divine design. I know that we will never be lead astray. All good things come from God. He loves us, and All we meet. May we have an attitude of Gratitude and serve or Brothers and Sisters.

Sister Morley is SOO tall!

Tyson Abbott, Angel Capriccio, Sister Morley and me! (at Angel's baptism)

A crazy horseheads sign we passed :)

Sister Morley hurt her knee...
Finally cold enough to wear one of my favorite scarfs and hats!


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February 26,2018 Faith, Trust...and a Funeral!

This week truly was, just wonderful. We found 4 new investigators and had 2 attend church! Also this Saturday we have a baptism :)   There is power in prayer.
Something that stuck out to me in church was a talk about faith verses Trust. Faith is explained quite well in Alma 32- Trust is spoken of by people like; Job, Solomon, Daniel, Nephi, Limhi, Alma... most everyone. Trust is a sure reliance or confidence in someone/ something. 
The difference for me between faith and Trust is believing in something verses believing something. It is easier to believe in someone- like the people in the Old Testament. They believed in Christ, they had seen things like the seas parting- they believed in Christ and knew that He was there. But they did not believe Him. When He told them that obeying certain commandments would bless them, and obeying the prophet would bring them joy, they did not believe and did not act.
Do we Trust God?
When He asks us to do things like obey commandments- not just the ones we like, but ALL of them- do we believe that it is for the best?
An example of this was on Tuesday the 20th. Sister Morley and I 'randomly' decided that we were going to visit an older couple that someone had invited us to visit a week ago. They were far away, so we were not sure if we should go, but went anyway. When we arrived and knocked the daughter answered the door and made us wait until she had tucked in her mother before we were allowed to go and visit. We did not know, but just a few days earlier Sister Elliott had fallen and really was not doing well. Walking into the bedroom honestly felt like walking into the Temple. The spirit was just so strong! Sister Morley felt prompted to share a scripture about how loved sister Elliott was, and that she had a journey ahead of her. Then we prayed and left. A while later we were told by sister Elliott's daughter that about 5 minutes after we left, her mother had silently passed through the veil. I know that there are no accidents not coincidences. We had trusted God. Believed that when he prompted us to travel far out of our way- there was a reason.
I pray that this week we strive to allow His will to be done. At the ending of each blessed day- we have the choice to simply believe in Christ alone, or have Trust that He has walked in our shoes before and knows with unwavering understanding what we need and when we need it.
I believe in Christ. He is my King.
Sister Morley and myself in front of an investigator's home
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excited for St Patrick's day!
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a cool pole we found after service
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Sister Downs, Sister Williams on exchanges!
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St.Patricks Day    Spirit
